

welcome to our perfectly imperfect life.

sincerly, michelle

sincerly, michelle

To my husband,

My better half. You have put up with my sobbing, my yelling, my overbearing, controlling, postpartum self. I am so thankful. Thank you for always listening, even when I wasn't even really sure why I was crying. Thank you for fixing things because I felt like everything was broken. Thank you for encouraging me when I wanting to flush all of breast pump parts down the toilet. Thank you for working so hard so that we never have to go without. Thank you for just knowing that I needed a night to myself, stepping in, and telling me that you've got it covered.

Thank you for Lou, and for walking through this crazy life with me.

You sir, have got me wrapped around your finger. 

To my mom,

Good God, you are a saint. I totally understand everything now. You always said "just wait until you have your own kids, you'll get it."

Well, I do now, and I'm sorry for not calling you when I got to my friends house, or the million other reasons why I made you worry. I never understood how you could always hear when we got up at night. I get it now. I get it when you said " because I said so." You always knew. Moms always know, right? Thank you for being my best friend. You are exactly what I want my daughter to see when she looks at me.

To my girlfriends,

I am so grateful for you. The sisterhood I share with you is a blessing that I count daily. I am sorry though. I am sorry that I am not the same friend that I was before Lou was here. Life is different now, but I am so blessed that you are understanding in the fact that popping bottles at girls night looks a little different now. Walking through this chapter of life with you guys makes every page so much greater. 

I'm sorry for the constant excuses...I can't, she needs to take a nap, I can't, she just fell asleep, I can't she's not feeling well...and for the million more that will follow. These days are so long, but the years are so short. I promise I will be the friend I used to be sometime soon...but until then-thank you for understanding. 

To my Lou,

Sister, you have almost killed me in your first year of life. Literally and mentally. Unbeknownst to you, you have made everyone in your life stronger. Your spirit and your will power are so empowering little one. How is that even possible? You're not even walking yet? I know you are going to move mountains my sweet baby. I pray that you are able to recognize all of the love that is surrounding you.  Happy first year of life Lou.


surviving the summer.

surviving the summer.

lou's birth story.

lou's birth story.